Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Sacred Mayan Journey to the goddess

Mayan leaders head up the procession of villagers attending the opening rituals of the Sacred Mayan Journey at Xcaret Park.

The Sacred Mayan Journey was more than 36 hours of rituals, ceremonies, dance, music and paddling.

After a tropical storm cancelled their crossing plans to Cozumel, paddlers circle their canoes in Xcaret Park's tranquil lagoon.

Sunset from my balcony at the Coral Princess Hotel and Resort in Cozumel.

At Chankanaab National Park on Cozumel, the goddess Ixchel with maidens representing her various faces, and an oracle priest above.

Wearing a headdress of a coiled serpent, the goddess Ixchel gives her message to pilgrims on the Sacred Mayan Journey at Chankanaab National Park.

At Chankanaab National Park, women representing the phases of the moon are paddled past men representing spirits of the four ways of the cosmos.

A team of women paddlers sets out across the channel to the Riviera Mayan mainland.

Three canoes begin paddling the 18 kilometres to the Riviera Maya mainland on the Sacred Mayan Journey.

When Sofia Arenas, Betty Sandoval and her sister Gina Sandoval-Juarez paddled from Cozumel, one of their oars snapped in two.

The first canoe arrives on a shortened nine-kilometre paddle from Xcaret Park at Mamitas Beach for the end of the Sacred Mayan Journey.

Friends rush to help a capsizing canoe as it arrives from Xcaret Park at Mamitas Beach for the end of the Sacred Mayan Journey.

The canoe's paddlers and friends bring the boat into the beach.

The paddlers are greeted with hugs and kisses from their friends.

Mayan villagers await the return of the canoes.

On the beach, women representing different phases of the moon.

One of the four spirits representing the four ways of the cosmos.

The second canoe makes its way to Mamitas Beach.

One of the paddlers is Pilar de los Rios, of the Yaxche restaurant, who we met our first night in the Riviera Maya.

Pregnant women at Mamitas Beach await the arrival of canoes at the end of the Sacred Mayan Journey.

Who can resist a cute kid picture?

Mayan women elders at Mamitas Beach.

Published September 13, 2008

Stormy times when Ixchel meets Chac and Arthur

By Lorne Mallin

PLAYA DEL CARMEN, Mexico – At first it was just a speck on the horizon of the turquoise Caribbean Sea. Then we could see the first of the native dugout canoes with four men in loincloths and one woman in a Mayan dress paddling steadily in the choppy ocean.

Slowly they carved a path through the waves toward the golden sands of Mamitas Beach at this resort city an hour south of Cancun on the Yucatan peninsula's Riviera Maya.

Metres from the beach the canoe tipped over and other paddlers rushed into the surf to help. When the exhausted paddlers finally made it to shore they were embraced by family and friends while hundreds of onlookers cheered and applauded.

Two more boats arrived for the closing ceremonies of a remarkable cultural, spiritual and theatrical experience called the Sacred Mayan Journey, the recreation of an ancient annual pilgrimage by canoe to the island of Cozumel that was lost for more than 500 years after the Spanish colonized the area. Women had been required to be pilgrims there at least once in their lives to ask for fertility.

Local officials plan to continue the event every year, helping this area make its mark as more than a sun and sand destination. For tourists, it's a window to the customs and practices of a people who built an elaborate, complex civilization here many centuries ago.

The focus of the journey was to honour Ixchel (EeshCHEL), the Mayan goddess of the moon, with prayers and offerings for four reasons -- fertility of the soil, good weather, health and the continuity of life -- and to bring back her message.

Our press-tour group of invited journalists witnessed colourful ceremonies, dances, music, and purification rites that began near midnight May 30 at the eco-archeological Xcaret (shcarET) Park and ended more than 36 hours later. At the start, hundreds of Mayan villagers arrived singing in processions.

To purify ourselves, we joined in by removing our shoes and walking barefoot on a jungle path carpeted with palm leaves. We were also encouraged to participate by writing down offerings to Ixchel on slips of paper that were ceremonially burned to reach the goddess. I'm not sure I was in the right spirit. I offered my "tsuris," Yiddish for troubles.

Some of the journalists stayed all night. I slipped away with two others to the adjacent Occidental Grand Xcaret Resort for a few hours sleep and to marvel at the wonders of a gorgeous all-inclusive where even the mini-bar is included.

Throughout the rituals, we were serenaded by a melodic chant to the goddess: "Ixchel, Ixchel, la misión y el trabajo esperan ya; Ixchel, Ixchel, nadie puede ocultarnos tu verdad." Which means "Ixchel, Ixchel, the mission and work are waiting for us; Ixchel, Ixchel, nobody can hide your truth from us."

Teams of paddlers in Playa Del Carmen and on Cozumel trained for months to make the challenging crossing, 150 of them in 30 eight-metre canoes going over and another 150 coming back.

At least, that was the plan. The weekend was all about Ixchel but a couple powerful guys, the Mayan rain god Chac and Tropical Storm Arthur, stole her thunder. Torrential rains and fierce winds swept through the coastline.

The 18-kilometre canoe crossing to Cozumel was cancelled, a huge disappointment for the participants. In the morning in a tranquil Xcaret Park lagoon fringed with Mayan huts we witnessed paddlers circling their canoes without taking on the wild waters.

It turned out to be a wise decision. When the journalists headed over to Cozumel in a catamaran, we had to turn back half-way when high waves constantly washed over the deck. Some were sick and some were scared. Totally soaked, I chanted for deliverance.

But the show must go on. We crossed in a large ferry, rested and freshened up at Cozumel's waterfront Coral Princess Hotel and Resort, and bussed to Chankanaab National Park to see the evening dances and rituals. Here we found another serene lagoon with a recreated Mayan village and temple platform.

The dramatic presentation with fire, bathing maidens and fantastic costumes led to the focus of the evening -- the message from the goddess, in her turban-like headdress of an entwined serpent, through the medium of oracle priests. Essentially, her very eco-conscious message was: Mankind has destroyed the environment, and for that reason we're the ones responsible for our destiny. Ixchel said the only way this world is going to change is if we don't wait for some miracle to happen but make the change ourselves.

Early the next morning, the seas had calmed considerably and three canoes that were transported over from the mainland for readied for the crossing while a fourth held five women in red dresses, their faces painted in vertical turquoise stripes.

Representing phases of the moon, they were paddled around the lagoon under the gaze of four men painted head to foot in brilliant colours portraying spirits of the four ways of the cosmos.

A chilam or priest blessed the three canoes and they paddled away. Two of them made it to the other side in just over three hours while the third capsized and the paddlers were rescued. Mexican Navy vessels were on hand to help.

Meanwhile, 12 canoes left Xcaret Park for the nine-km journey
up the coast to Mamitas Beach. Nine had to turn back in the worsening waves, including one that capsized four times and waited a half-hour for rescue.

The three from Xcaret that made it delivered Ixchel's message to the local Mayan leader amid dances and celebrations.

Betty Sandoval, 31, who paddled from Cozumel, said on the beach that the crossing "touched our hearts." She said the ancient pilgrims didn't have the benefit of weather forecasting technology. "They spiritually offered themselves to their god. I really admire that."

As many as 800 people took part in the many facets of the sacred journey. Fidencio Tzel, a dancer from a long line of Mayans, played a priest. "I was proud to be able to rescue part of the culture of my ancestors," he said.

The event was initiated by Xcaret Park, the launching point of the ancient pilgrimages, and organized with local municipalities. Two years of research involved the
National Institute of Anthropology and History, the Maya Centre of the National Council for Culture and the Arts and the Research Institute of Philology of the National Autonomous University of Mexico. A choreographer, a composer, and makeup and costume artists helped make it a crowd-pleaser.

While it will be another year before the next journey, there are many other ways to connect with the Maya. Xcaret's spectacular evening show spotlights Mayan history and the park includes other cultural and spiritual experiences. The Life and Death Festival at Xcaret Oct. 30-Nov. 2 is another creative production.

The Riviera Maya features Mayan ruins and villages well worth seeing. I visited Tulum, a magical Mayan city from the 13th to 15th centuries an hour's drive south of Playa Del Carmen. The Palace of the Frescoes contains a mural of Ixchel and the main pyramid rises above a high cliff over the beach.

Life is not all history. The Riviera Maya attracts with modern-day cultural events, including two film festivals in the fall and the annual jazz festival Nov. 29-Dec. 1.

For some distilled culture, take in the Expo Tequila Aug. 16-19 on the main shopping street of Playa Del Carmen. There'll be food delights, mariachi bands, and tequila tasting. No historical study needed. Just raise a glass and say "salud!".

If you go

• Go to for deals on Riviera Maya trips, including the Occidental Grand Xcaret Resort from $1,232 per person (
air, land, taxes from Winnipeg) all-inclusive for a week in a double. More about the 4.5-star resort at
• Travel info at
• Sacred Mayam Journey info at
• For Cozumel accommodation, contact the Coral Princess Hotel and Resort at
• Cozumel info at
• I felt well-prepared with Lonely Planet's Yucatan guide.

Friday, June 6, 2008

Kenya: On the road

We never knew what we would find on the road in Kenya, both on safari and in more urban areas.

When elephants want to cross the road in front of you, they definitely get the right of way.

On the road, we encountered zebras and ostriches . . .

. . . and Thompson's gazelles . . .

. . . and an iridescent bird I've yet to learn the name of.

Also on the road, all manner of vendors. Here a man on the road from Nairobi airport sells passport covers.

Here, at the entrance to a safari area, vendors were delighted to see some rare visitors.

Kiosks waited for trade on the roadside.

Others waited for work. Unemployment is around 45 percent.

We drove through a poor Kenyan town on the border with Tanzania.

And in the town of Voi on the highway east to Mombasa sits a roadside mosque.

Kenya: Inside a Masai village

On our press trip, the Kenya Tourist Board arranged for us to visit a Masai village in the south of the country. Even though the KTB paid for us to take photos, it still felt awkward and intrusive to be pointing our cameras in the villagers' faces.

Still, it was irresistible to photograph the Masai in their very different world.

Elijah, who went to a mission school, is 26 and unmarried and so still has his hair.

It's a different story for this shaved-head family.

The "big poppa" of them all in this village of 72 people has nine wives.

The villagers showed us how they make fire.